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Culture Lies Within

As a result of the ‘great resignation,’ there is increasing commentary about employees being the ‘new customer’ and ‘Employee Experience’ (EX) becoming as prevalent as a discussion as EXCO round tables as ‘Customer Experience (CX).

Businesses have responded, looking at their end-to-end EX for ways to make it more seamless and enjoyable. From flexible modes of working, through to technologies that aid better collaboration, to in-office experiences such as cafes with more contemporary food and beverage offerings.

One alarming trend is employers losing confidence in their culture. And, rather than looking at EX to enhance culture, are side-stepping it.

‘Surf at lunch’ or ‘have every second Friday off’ as employee values propositions are nice benefits, however, shouldn’t be headline statements to define employee value.

What statements like these say to potential employees is we’ll let you escape work more often, as opposed to we’ll make your career more fulfilling and rewarding.

Canva’s ‘eight days in the office each year’ is a great example of meeting employee expectations without underselling culture. It says to an employee that ‘we don’t make you jump through unnecessary hoops, we set you up for success and that we trust you’.

Whereas, saying someone can surf at lunch feels more like a parent saying to their kids they can go out to play, but only when you’ve folded the washing.

True EX is when a business has defined the value of its culture and builds on it. Canva again is a great example. As a product, it empowers novice designers to create polished-looking materials, no matter where they are. They are a business that inherently promotes remote success and thus their eight-office-days policy is a beautiful extension of that.

In contrast, a business that says you can surf at lunch needs to step back and think about the inherent qualities of their culture and how they create benefits that align with that (except of course if they are a surfing business)

Not only will you attract more motivated and engaged employees, but you’ll also have the confidence to empower them in the roles they play.

Thanks for reading.

Oliver Sheer
Managing Director, Be Challenged

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