Can you believe it’ll be the end of the year before we know it? But no need to stress, we’ve done the legwork for you and compiled a list of the regions that will be perfect for your next company conference, meeting or offsite. Whether you’re looking for fun activities, development opportunities, or simply a change of scenery, these venues have got you covered.
Purpose is great, but without passion it can be pointless.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been speaking with a lot of our clients about their challenges for 2024. It took some reflection, but I soon realised that there was a common theme lurking just below the surface of almost every conversation I had.
Dynamic Duo of Bonding and Building
You’ve just attended a one day conference and left buzzing with ideas. A few days later you’re back into the swing of work, and life, and are now struggling to recall the details of what you just learnt that had you so excited. Ebbinghaus’s research on the Forgetting Curve shows us just how quickly we can forget, with the biggest drop happening just hours after learning.
The Power of Unity
The ‘culture’ industry, like all others, goes through shifting beliefs about what’s most important when building strong organisations. Ultimately, they all play together and we land on one powerful truth… unity.
By taking strategy, culture and purpose, we’ve reimagined them into what is now our most popular team building workshop, The Big Picture.
Are we doing all we can for our most gifted students?
As schools increasingly look to provide opportunities within and outside the classroom to intellectually challenge gifted students, are we forgetting to equally emphasise the value and importance of teaching the skills of communication, collaboration and peer relationships?
While building team unity is our central tenet, we’re more than team building.
While building team unity is the central tenet of our organisation, we focus on much more than team building. To create high performing teams you need to give equal focus to individual empowerment which is where our facilitated workshops are focused.
Prioritising Workplace Well-being: New Legislation on Psychosocial Hazards
In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety, we must continually adapt to ensure the well-being of all employees. The introduction of new legislation across Australia has cast a vital spotlight on psychosocial hazards, recognizing their profound impact on workforce well-being.
What does saying ‘I’m so busy’ say about you?
While conversations over the past few years have been dominated by subjects like Covid, WFH, and Artificial Intelligence, there is one catch-cry that sits miles above these. Our obsession with saying ‘I’m so busy’. But, have you stopped to think when you say these three words, what it’s actually saying about you?
Risk taking as a New Year Resolution
Recently, I had the pleasure of rewatching a Ted Talk, delivered by the late Sir Ken Robinson. Inspiring as always, his presentation was based around the premise that it is vital for people to embrace a risk-taking mentality when seeking to learn, so as to gain the greatest amount of personal growth.
You’ve spoken! Here are your top 5 challenges for 2024
Recently we asked you, our valued network, to tell us what you see as your major challenges or opportunities for the year ahead. Thanks to everyone who contributed, there were some extremely insightful entries. What became clear as we read through them all was that they fell into five distinct categories, which we thought would be valuable to share with you all.