Lisa Kelliher No Comments

Has your school prioritised and embedded initiatives that promote belonging, diversity and inclusivity for all students? Be Challenged can assist.

As we approach ‘Harmony Day’ and recognise the importance of this day and other key events such as ‘Bullying No Way’ day, and ‘RU OK’ day, it’s timely to consider the impact that carefully considered school-based initiatives can have on perceptions of belonging, well-being and engagement.

Initiatives that promote inclusivity and collaboration are not just commendable extras; they are essential elements in the scaffolding of a robust education system. Educators and well-being coordinators are aware that their roles extend far beyond imparting knowledge; they are entrusted with shaping an environment where students not only learn – but also thrive. A critical aspect of this wholistic development is the cultivation of a school culture that nurtures a deep sense of belonging. Students who feel a strong sense of belonging are more likely to be resilient, confident, and engaged citizens.

Research conducted across various Australian schools consistently underscores the correlation between a positive school culture and student well-being. According to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, a thriving school culture contributes significantly to creating a supportive and safe environment for students. When students feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to engage in their learning, experience lower levels of stress, and exhibit improved mental health outcomes.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a psychological foundation for understanding the importance of belonging in education. According to Maslow, after basic physiological and safety needs are met, individuals seek a sense of belonging and connection. For students, the school environment becomes their second home, and a positive school culture satisfies this fundamental need for connection.

In practical terms, initiatives geared towards inclusivity and collaboration play a pivotal role in shaping a positive school culture. Inclusive practices go beyond the mere acknowledgment of diversity; they actively celebrate it. Students from different backgrounds, abilities, and interests must feel that they are not just tolerated but embraced.

Collaboration, both among students and between teachers, is another cornerstone of a thriving school culture. Research from the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) highlights that collaborative learning environments enhance not only academic achievement but also social and emotional development.

By prioritizing the development of a positive school culture, we contribute to the well-being and future success of our students, laying the foundation for a society that values diversity, collaboration, and mutual respect.

Be Challenged is delighted to partner with schools across Australia in the design and delivery of programs to enhance inclusivity and a sense of belonging for students to their school cultures and to their peers. We align our experiential and engaging activities to specific objectives and ensure that students have fun, while learning about the value of collaboration and respect – all the while forging stronger relationships!

If you would like to learn more about how Be Challenged can work with you in the planning of fantastic experiences for students, aligned with key dates in your school calendar, please get in touch at

Thanks for reading,

Lisa Kelliher
Head of People and Culture and Educational Consultant, Be Challenged

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