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Birrong Boys High School – Prioritising an informed transition for Year Eleven students into their Year Twelve experience

Be Challenged was delighted to have been approached by Birrong Boys High School, with the goal of developing of a series of workshops for their Year 11 students as they transitioned into their Year 12 studies.

The objective of these workshops was to provide the students with a toolkit for approaching their HSC in a way which balanced well-being with a mindset for academic success. The application of these skills beyond the HSC and into the work of work or further study was also a desired outcome of the program.

After close liaison with the school, Lisa Kelliher facilitated a series of four workshops for the Year Twelve cohort over the course of Term Four, 2023. Divided into groups of 25 students, Lisa was able to encourage debate, reflection and discussion during the course of each workshop.

Workshop topics included:
● How to embrace your HSC with a Growth Mindset
● The benefits of applying Grit and Resilience to times of challenge
● Optimal organisational and time-management strategies
● Approaching your HSC while prioritising balance and well-being

Students were provided with supporting resource booklets that guided students through reflections and prompted rich conversation. Students are now able to refer to these booklets throughout their HSC, so as to be reminded of key strategies and study commitments at crucial times.

Follow up activities were also provided to teachers of these Year Twelve students, linked to the Stage Six English curriculum and designed to further embed learnings.

Across the course of the Be Challenged workshops, it was exciting and inspiring to observe an increase in the quality of student reflection and commitment to key concepts, coupled with greater self-confidence on the part of the students.

We valued the warm welcome we received from all members of the Birrong Boys community and were energised by the commitment of this school to ensure they have provided their students with the tools to thrive in the HSC and beyond.

Contact us today to see how we can develop and enrich the lives of tomorrow’s leaders, together.


Lisa Kelliher
Be Challenged | Head of People and Culture and Educational Consultant

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