Empowering Students for Success Beyond the HSC

Lisa Kelliher

Be Challenged was delighted to have been approached by Birrong Boys High School, with the goal of developing of a series of workshops for their Year 11 students as they transitioned into their Year 12 studies. The objective of these workshops was to provide the students with a toolkit for approaching their HSC in a way which balanced well-being with a mindset for academic success.

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Are we doing all we can for our most gifted students?

Lisa Kelliher

As schools increasingly look to provide opportunities within and outside the classroom to intellectually challenge gifted students, are we forgetting to equally emphasise the value and importance of teaching the skills of communication, collaboration and peer relationships?

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The importance of belonging, diversity and inclusivity in schools

Lisa Kelliher

Today is Harmony Day and Be Challenged recognise the importance of this day and other key events such as ‘Bullying No Way’ day, and ‘RU OK’ day, it’s timely to consider the impact that carefully considered school-based initiatives can have on perceptions of belonging, well-being and engagement.

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Risk taking as a New Year Resolution

Lisa Kelliher

Recently, I had the pleasure of rewatching a Ted Talk, delivered by the late Sir Ken Robinson. Inspiring as always, his presentation was based around the premise that it is vital for people to embrace a risk-taking mentality when seeking to learn, so as to gain the greatest amount of personal growth.

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Is it time to check your fixed mindset at the door?

Lisa Kelliher

A certain amount of hypocrisy prevails when we try to influence others to think positively about their capacity for growth. There is no doubt that we mean well when we advise and guide people to be open-minded about the feedback they receive, to believe in the opportunity to learn new skills and to approach each day with positivity.

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