Big Picture Case Study | Advanz Pharma Australia
Who was the client: Advanz Pharma Australia
Program Selected: The Big Picture
Following the success of their first event with Be Challenged in 2020 which focused on breaking down barriers; Advanz Pharma was eager to delve further in 2021 with a conference themed around “Building the Foundation for our Success” and interdependence.
Be Challenged supported the local pharmaceutical company, using The Big Picture program to crystalise these concepts and bring the learnings from the conference to life.
With the group split into four teams, each team was responsible for three individual canvases which were puzzled together to create a ‘Big Picture’. This mural was designed prior to the conference by organisers to encapsulate the organisation, focus pillars, and objectives. Each canvas was outlined and were purposefully scattered between the teams, ensuring that the final image was a surprise to all.
The group quickly realised that for an organisation to be successful, all teams would need to communicate clearly and collaborate effectively to ensure a seamless result. Taking a “big picture” view, the teams coordinated by allocating tasks and roles, and sharing paint mixtures to ensure each canvas joined perfectly when put together.
The Reveal:
At Be Challenged, our favourite part is the reveal. Piecing the mural together on a purpose-built stand and concealing it from the crowd, creating hype and then unveiling the masterpiece.
The reaction among the Advanz Pharma team was pleasant surprise and they were in awe of how their individual canvas became a part of this customised masterpiece.
Facilitator, Kingsley Seale said “it was such a nice moment at the end that we had to ‘shoo’ people out of the room to get to lunch as they were just stuck staring and taking it all in, such a wonderful fit for Interdependence!”
The mural now hangs proudly in the reception area at the Advanz Pharma office. A beautiful sentiment from the organisation and exciting for the employees to be able to take ownership of their role creating the piece.
Client Feedback:
“A HUGE thank you for organising, co-ordinating and executing a brilliant activity that exceeded our expectations and nailed the brief. Our staff really enjoyed the activity which was perfect for the wet conditions outside!
Something completely different to what we usually do but we were able to achieve the desired outcome of breaking down barriers and working together through interdependence.
We’re looking forward to our new painting bringing a bit of colour into our office and being able to share the great memories of how we created it”. | Chelsea Wasserman, HR and Office Manager