Replicating business teamwork principles to achieve success at school
The world of education is an interesting one with a number of internal complexities. If a school were to be compared to a business, then each teacher would have over 100 new clients every year. Each with individual needs, challenges and goals.
Teachers have a variety of stakeholders – other teachers, parents, extra-curricular staff , the education board – that they need to work with. As a result, an increasing number of schools are focusing on teamwork within their faculty to provide the best outcome for their ‘clients’, the students.
Teaching is a “life changing profession”
According to the ING Foundation Survey: “98% of people say a teacher can change the course of a student’s life”. This is clearly a profession worth investing time and effort into developing.
Over the past decade, businesses have increasingly used workforce collaboration to develop employee satisfaction. Schools are now utilising the same principles to increase student performance.
A teacher’s primary goal is to get the best outcome for each and every student. Teachers must provide a safe environment in which they can learn, inspire each student to push their boundaries (academic or other) and to help them navigate their way through childhood and adolescence. A collaborative faculty approach to achieve these outcomes is far more effective than relying on individual teachers alone.
Interactive Team Building Activities are increasingly used by schools during their Professional Development days. These activities foster collaboration between staff, breaking down interdepartmental barriers and provide unique and practical ways to share knowledge, ideas and concerns in a safe and fun environment.
Collaboration between faculty members allows sharing of ideas from different perspectives and with different skill sets. This creates synergy between staff. The outcome is both increased staff satisfaction and increased student performance – which is the school’s primary focus.
Covid-19 has been challenging for teachers and educators alike.