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CASE STUDY: Remote digital team building and collaboration

Who: Leading Pharmaceutical

What: Message delivery at an annual conference

With the challenging times the world is currently facing, we feel it is important to share and celebrate success stories that come out of these times.

We recently had a leading pharmaceutical company booked in to run our Big Picture activity for one of their teams at a conference on the NSW Central Coast.

Obviously with the growing Coronavirus crisis, we had conversations in the lead-up to the conference around how we could manage it, given health requirements were likely to have an impact on proceedings.

The entire conference was focused on delivering a key message around “Agility” so our conversations focused on two key areas:

     1) Does this message still need to be conveyed?

     2) If the message is changing, would it be safer to postpone it until later in the year?

Given Agility was the focus, we determined it was crucial that this existing message was communicated as planned, meaning we needed to revert to a different program delivery model.

Working closely with the client – and credit to them as they were facing extreme challenges – we made the following determinations:

     1) We would need to engage teams and individuals digitally / remotely.

     2) The original concept of engagement would need to change to support this digital delivery method.

The adaption saw us move away from the Big Picture as a message delivery tool and pivot to use our Go Remote activity delivered through Be Challenged’s Go Team App, in a 90-minute program across multiple locations.

This allowed individuals and small teams to participate and engage with each other through the Go Team App and ensure the key company messages were still delivered.

Participants were required to refer back to information that had been passed on through a company webinar, while also completing an array of tasks as individuals and groups.

Once completed we were able to provide feedback to the organisers, allowing them to understand which content had been well received and retained, and which content they needed to reinforce.

How Be Challenged and the Go Team App delivered:

The Go Team App gives users access to a variety of fun and engaging non-GPS based challenges, allowing them to complete them anywhere (all set to a company specific backdrop – in this case one of their key products).

Challenges come in a variety of formats, from multiple choice, photos and videos, links to YouTube, references to key conference content, and more.

It also allows users to message others in the app and allows us to create multiple versions of a similar game to ensure interaction between users to complete specific challenges (e.g. one person receives key information “X” and another receives key information “Y”).

Building the program for this specific client we ensured there was a strong mix of fun, combined with business and conference content as well as collaborative challenges, ensuring we hit the key markers of “Agility” but also participant engagement.

By connecting teams and individuals through messaging apps, teleconferencing tools and the Go Team App, we were able to deliver the “Agility” message in an entertaining and gamified context, ensuring the message was well received and the knowledge retained.

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