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CASE STUDY: Graduate Assessment and Employer of Choice Branding

Who: Large Australian Property Group

What: Showcase their innovative, fun, forward-thinking and agile culture and environment to graduate candidates.

To assess collaboration, problem-solving and teamwork as well as provide candidates a genuinely fun, distinctive and memorable experience at the assessment centre, a Virtual Reality (VR) group task was delivered with The Infinite Loop.

Teams were given a VR headset, a map and several puzzle clues and the task introduced via a video to provide an understanding of the purpose and challenges ahead.

Then the fun really started. Teams tentatively picked up the VR headset, and the first team member placed it on their head. Suddenly each team realised that they were in competition with each other as a leaderboard emerged and a countdown clock began to tick.

It took a few minutes for the teams to find their feet, with a lot of laughs and a bit of disorientation. Soon they started to collaborate, working closely together to solve clues and puzzles to get through rooms on the map and achieve their ultimate goal.

​Cheers filled the room as each team passed their way through to the next stage in the game. Each member of the group took it in turns to use the VR headset and each candidate experienced the activity.

​Feedback on the day and in follow-up was fantastic. We were told the program allowed candidates to relax and enjoy the time they spent with their prospective employer and provide a taste of what types of opportunities they may encounter with a future career there.

It also allowed the employer to better get to know the candidates and understand their suitability to the business.

Participant Quote: “The virtual reality experience allowed us to feel more comfortable and hence give a more authentic showing of ourselves” (graduate candidate).

Outcome: Outstanding feedback from all the candidates who participated as well as the inhouse recruitment team.

The program was nominated and shortlisted for 2019 AAGE Graduate Recruitment Industry “Award for Innovation”

Adapting for Virtual Delivery: In 2020, with the current remote working climate, the group are now looking to engage our Go Remote program offering to ensure continued talent engagement and maintain a strong market presence.

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