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Home   >   How to use a connection plan framework to avoid ‘optimising’ human connection out of your business.

How to use a connection plan framework to avoid ‘optimising’ human connection out of your business.

When people describe the fourth (and current) industrial revolution one of the key themes is connectivity. Ironically, while technology is connecting the globe, when we zoom in at a human level we’re becoming more isolated.

Census data from the end of 2021 showed that over 40% of Australia’s workforce work from home at least one day per week. We’re also seeing the four day week and nine day fortnight gain further momentum as studies suggest these are optimal for productivity and employee satisfaction.

So, if we’re striving to achieve more in less time, while increasingly working remotely, what does this mean long term for workplace culture? It’s fair to say the challenges are increasing, but they are certainly not insurmountable if you have a clear plan; more specifically, a connection plan.

A connection plan is crucial to building and maintaining a motivated, empowered and engaged team culture. It helps in four key ways:

  1. Create and maintain connections between all team members
  2. Prioritise well-being
  3. Celebrate successes, achievements and the embodiment of your team values
  4. Emphasise the value of personal growth and professional development

Understanding ourselves and each other

The foundation of a connection plan is the DiSC tool. For those not familiar, DiSC is a personality assessment tool used to understand individual personality traits and behaviours.

Using the four main personality types; dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness, DiSC provides a great way for people to better understand their own drivers for motivation. Where it’s a real game-changer however, is helping people build better connections with others, by better understanding their shared and differing traits.

Using DiSC we help your team develop strategies for more effective communication, collaboration, and productivity.

The power of rituals

With this foundation for connection in place, we then go about working with you to identify and establish new and existing rituals for connection. These can range from simple daily stand-ups through to awards and incentives, aligned with your brand purpose and values.

While organic connection is powerful, it’s not always permanent. Organised rituals aren’t intended to replace natural interaction, rather, ensure there is a constant alignment of purpose and therefore a sense of belonging.


At the centre of your connection plan is personal and team development. It’s crucial a connection plan is as focused on an individual’s relationships with your organisation as it is the other members of it.

Giving people clear plans for their individual and team development is a commitment of your willingness to invest and empower them in your organisation. It strengthens your culture and improves hard metrics like retention and team satisfaction.  Even better, it permeates through to your customer. From their day-to-day experiences with your brand, the products and services you create for them, to the communications that show your passion for solving their needs.

Most people think leadership is about being in charge. The irony is that it is the complete opposite. Leadership is about empowering others to achieve things they didn’t think possible” – Simon Sinek

Your connection partner

Finally, a connection plan isn’t a set and forget initiative, nor something you must internally develop yourself. At Be Challenged, we work hand in hand with teams in the development of a connection plan, as well as in its successful implementation and optimisation. We can support you in areas such as leadership coaching, as well as independent pulse surveys, to gain insights into team connectedness, committing to continuing to refine how we best develop it.

What better way to show you how a connection plan works than to share some of our Be Challenged connection plan with you? You can download it here.

If your business is embracing the benefits and challenges of modern ways of work, a connection plan is now a crucial component to personal and team satisfaction and productivity. We’d love to discuss how we could help your organisation put one in place, so please get in touch.

Thanks for reading

Oliver Sheer

Joint Managing Director, Be Challenged

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