CASE STUDY: Reconnecting teams to ‘give back’ virtually
Who: Large Australian telecommunications company
What: Create an optional ‘Give Back’ exercise for employees to reconnect and re-engage with one another
When: Over the course of two to three weeks
How: Each year this large telecommunications firm runs a series of optional face-to-face activities that offer employees the chance to give back to a variety of charitable causes.
With COVID-19 meaning face-to-face events were not able to go ahead, the company was seeking a virtual option.
Be Challenged worked closely with the client to create a virtual solution with the same impact and also allowed the same flexibility for the participants. We delivered our Race Around the World activity as the base and made several tweaks to ensure we achieved the client’s desired outcomes.
Be Challenged produced marketing collateral for distribution among participants in advance, which provided insight into what to expect, how it was going to work and when they could get involved.
Individuals chose from five activity slots, registering for a time that best suited them. Teams were paired up in advance and encouraged to connect and engage with each other.
In the end there were approximately 300 participants across the five sessions. Participants connected remotely through the organisations chosen virtual conferencing platform, WebEx Meetings, and received their brief.
Setting off on a Virtual Race Around the World, the more points teams earned throughout the activity, the more ‘giving impacts’ they generated for B1G1. The impacts the group were collecting were linked to the continent they played in. For example, while virtually navigating the African continent in the game, teams earnt impact points to provide water to families in Kenya.
When all teams had completed the activity, participants came together for one final virtual conference call to complete the final level of Race Around the World, which happened to be an Australian based challenge collecting impacts for Australian causes. The overall winner was determined and the total impacts the group had made to B1G1 causes was revealed.
This was a wonderful moment for all involved, with some even shedding a few tears as they realised the true impact that their participation had on people in need. The prize for winners was a further contribution to their choice of three causes on their behalf.